How visual configuration can positively impact the health of patients

The impact of ordering errors in a precision industry like medical device manufacturing causes financial costs and impacts on patient care. Visual Configuration prevents these errors from happening.

Healthcare provision demands pinpoint precision from medical device manufacturers.

The manufacturers of medical devices know only too well the cost of errors in ordering or the inefficiencies in manually building and processing orders.

Such errors will of course have a financial cost, but in the environment of medical device manufacturing, they can visibly impact on available patient treatment or diagnostic pathways through delays in orders of life saving equipment, or incorrectly configured orders being delivered.

This is a bitter pill to swallow when the problem of reducing errors in quotations can be simply rectified and mitigated through visual configuration of medical device products.

Medical Device Manufacturing is technically challenging for online sales.

With the complex and modular nature of medical devices, using online sales channels continues to be in demand yet challenging, often requiring the intervention or presence of sales support either by phone or in person.

What can happen as a result is a bottleneck where medical manufacturer’s customers need to configure highly complex variations of medical devices and technical equipment for quotation, yet lack the facilities and tools to do so efficiently.

Increasing Demand for self-management of quote requests

In addition to this, healthcare customers are becoming increasingly demanding in their requirements to be able to self-manage their quote requests with a light touch of involvement from SDRs and account managers.

What they want is to be able to build complex configurations of the tools and devices they need to order, with all available options and accessories, accurately and as rapidly as their business needs them.

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How Visual Configuration can support these complex challenges

What they need is visual product configuration. For a great many years, CPQ platforms have allowed for adding more complexity to line items in quotations and this has seen growing success across a number of industries from manufacturers to service and subscription organisations. CPQ’s however fall under the ERP and enterprise software umbrella, requiring skilled administrators to set pricing rules and build product databases.

100% Visual Configuration of products

Visual Product configurators like Total Configurator make the entire configuration process for medical device customers simple and easy and 100% visual.

Offering powerful categorisation and platform building far beyond the capabilities of a standard or e-commerce website, yet still providing the ease of use of detailed visual models, visual product configurators will enable customers to experience and tailor their product choices right before their eyes.

Automated quotation requests save up to 80% in quote generation time

Once the necessary product combination has been achieved, the device manufacturer will receive the order request to all concerned departments with a comprehensive bill of materials for all the end customer’s choices, which can then be followed up and processed in more rapid timescales than before - up to 80% less time than manual methods.

These high precision and technically complex machines have a major impact on the revenues of the manufacturer but also on the wellbeing of patients. There is therefore a felt need of increased efficiency and smooth order configuration for the end customers of medical device manufacturers which if not met can have far-reaching consequences in this industry.

We invite you to find out more and book a demo to see how Total Configurator can help you to help more patients and increase your revenue.